Curriculum Overview
Academic and Career Education Academy
Grades 9-12
ACEA requires students to meet Michigan state standards to graduate. These include completing courses in subjects like English, math, social studies, and science.
ACEA provides students with math instruction in Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra 2 using Prentice Hall Mathematics curriculum. Prentice Hall Mathematics is a research based curriculum providing a rigorous, focused and coherent curriculum for middle school and high school students, aligned with Michigan High School Mathematics Content Standards and Expectations as well as Common Core Standards. ACEA is proud to offer additional courses such as Business Math, Medical Math, Math for Trades, and Financial Math to prepare students for college and career.
ACEA provides students in grades 9-12 ELA instruction using a workshop model of instruction based on the MAISA Units for reading and writing. All students keep a writing notebook as they produce writing pieces in the genres of narrative, informational, and argumentative writing. They also work on developing reading skills in both fiction and informational reading with a strong emphasis on academic writing and preparing students for college level writing. Specific units for college prep were used with introductions to MLA and APA, formal writing style, and communication skills.
9th grade ELA - Introduction to Literature
10th grade ELA - American Literature
ACEA provides students in grades 9-12 science instruction which is continuously adapting to meet and exceeds the requirements of the newly adopted Michigan Science Standards. Prior to graduation, students will demonstrate achievement in the areas of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and/or Earth Science. Delivery of instruction is guided by the Next Generation Science Standards and is linked to STEM initiatives in our community. Additional Science Enrichment opportunities include: Delta College’s STEM Explorer and involvement with STEM opportunities such as on-site visits to Bay Cast and Dow Chemical.
ACEA’s Social Studies Department offers a wide variety of offerings for all students. World History, United States History, Economics and Civics are offered to all students. Instruction is aligned with the Michigan K-12 Social Studies Standards utilizing Glencoe McGraw-Hill and Prentice Hall resources and textbooks and other supplemental materials.Additional course include Psychology and Current Events as electives. ACEA strives to reach all social studies students who wish to become better citizens in our world today.
At ACEA, Art is seen as an essential part of the school curriculum and each student's individual learning process. In this hands-on learning environment, students are welcome to explore new mediums and concepts. Trial and error is accepted and even expected for true learning to occur. In class, students will develop skills in critical thinking, multi-step problem solving, and making ideas a reality.
ACEA approaches art from a holistic standpoint. The class not only focuses on art methods, but on developing a basic understanding of art history, critique, reflection and theory. All of these aspects are essential for growth and appreciation of the arts. Students experience project-based assignments as well as self-guided learning. Above all, Art class is meant to be a safe space where a student is allowed to have an avenue for self-expression and to realize a better sense of self.
At ACEA, our technology classes strive to equip our students with the skills they need to be successful 21st century learners. Our goal is to encourage student voice and exploration, by helping our students become empowered learners and digital citizens. Our curriculum teaches students skills with Google Apps for Education, including Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides, PowerPoint. Students have the opportunity to take a Multimedia course which covers the foundations of digital image, video and text design through various modes, such as... photography, editing, graphic design basics and animation applications. Additional advanced software features are taught in order to help prepare students for college and entering the workforce. Students are also introduced to keyboarding and STEM concepts through a 9-12 robotics program. ACEA is also proud to offer online learning opportunities through a blended learning environment, facilitated by a certified teacher, using Edgenuity Software.
ACEA follows The Michigan Model for Health™ Curriculum (we only use the Edgenuity Health class for credit) . This is a comprehensive, skills-based health education curriculum with the primary goal of helping young people live happier and healthier lives. This nationally recognized curriculum is research based, and aligned to standards. Teachers follow the sequential lesson plans and build the knowledge and skills students need to be successful in school and in life. Using a building-block approach to health education, the Michigan Model for Health™ addresses the major youth health risk behaviors at every grade level, with age-appropriate instructional activities.
At ACEA, Physical Education is a sequential, developmentally appropriate educational program that provides students with the knowledge, skills, fitness, and attitudes necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. The goal of ACEA is to support students in becoming physically educated people who participate in health enhancing physical activity: • demonstrate competence in selected motor skills; • assesse, achieve, and maintain physical fitness; • apply cognitive concepts in making wise lifestyle choices; and • exhibit appropriate personal-social character traits while participating in physical activity.