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Sharing Tree Forms

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Video Presentation

Parent/Student Compact PDF



Student Perception

Parent Perception

Academic Interventions

IXL Website

Parent Connect

Parent Connect Log In Instructions

Academic Support

Individualized curriculum with academic supports:

  • Math and ELA Interventionists that work 1:1 with students to build skills and complete assignments

  • Individualized skill building

Initial Academic Diagnostic Testing to determine basic skill proficiency in Math and ELA

Individualized Learning Plan that includes:





Opportunities for Academic Credit Recovery

Social-Emotional Support

Student Success Coordinator

  • Works with students to individualized skills

Social Emotional Support / Behavior Interventionist

  • Helps students learn coping skills that will transcend into everyday situations

Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS)

  • Rewards students for their success academically and social emotional successes.

Academic / Behavior Counselor

  • Works with students to individualize their learning plan that will fit academic and social emotional needs.

Community Support

Counseling and Social Work Services

  • Provided by Community Mental Health

  • Mental Health Screenings

Food Distribution Program

  • Includes Thanksgiving luncheon for staff and students

Sharing Tree Christmas Gift Donation Program

Student Adult Advocate

  • Schedules appointments for students

    • Doctor, Dentist, Secretary of State

  • Provide transportation to appointments

  • Provides living items to students

    • Toiletries, school supplies, and family supplies

Academic and Career Education

Title 1—School/Parent Compact

The School Parent Compact will describe school-parent compact will be jointly developed with parents and family members and the compact outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share in the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and the parents will build and develop partnerships to help children achieve the State’s high standards (ESSA, Section 1116(d)).

School Responsibilities:

  1. Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables participating children to meet the State’s student academic achievement standards as follows:
    All students will participate in the curriculum, which is driven by the Grade Level Content Expectations of the State of Michigan.  Students will be supported in a learning environment that provides multiple levels of instruction and considers a variety of learning styles.  Furthermore, teachers will utilize best practice, research-based teaching/learning and assessment strategies.  Local assessment data (grades) will be updated regularly and academic interventions will be applied to help students attain academic success as needed.

  2. Hold Parent-Teacher Conferences, during which this compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement.
    Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held in the fall and spring of each school year.

  3. Provide parents with frequent reports on their student’s progress.
    Student progress will be reported to parents every six weeks with progress reports and at the end of each semester with report cards.  Parents will be given information on how to access students’ grades at Parent Orientation meetings and video information of how to access these will also be posted on our district website.  Parents of students’ experiencing academic/attendance/behavior impediments will receive calls home from the teacher, counselor, or administration.

  4. Provide parents with reasonable access to staff.
    Staff will be available to parents during parent/teacher conferences, during times provided before and after school, by phone or email as needed.

  5. Provide parents opportunities to volunteer and participate in their students’ education and to observe classroom activities as follows:
    Participate in the School Improvement Process (SIP) and Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan.
    Chaperone field trips, volunteer for classroom observations/activities, and academic support areas, to the extent possible.

Parent Responsibilities:

We, as parents, will support our children’s learning in the following ways:

  1. Monitor students’ attendance.

  2. Monitor students’ grades via SDS and contact school if assistance in accessing information is needed.

  3. Update parent contact and other students’ information as needed.

  4. Access A.C.E.A. resources either online or by calling the school for any supplemental needs that will improve students’ educational experience.

  5. Participate in parent engagement activities.

  6. Participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to their students’ education.

  7. Promote positive use of students’ extracurricular time.

  8. Stay informed about students’ education and communicate with the school by promptly reading and responding to all notices received by student/s or by mail/email as appropriate.

  9. Serve and participate, to the extent possible, on School Improvement Team, Parent/Teacher conferences and other parent engagement events.

  10. Support guidelines and expectations provided in ACEA Student Handbook.

Student Responsibilities:

We, as students, will share the responsibility to improve our academic achievement and achieve the State’s high standards in the following ways:

  1. Participate in class, complete assignments, and ask for help as needed.

  2. Attend school regularly and communicate any transportation needs.

  3. Complete all requirements of the Michigan Merit Curriculum and volunteer hours assigned by A.C.E.A.

  4. Complete all benchmark and State assessments to the best of their ability.

  5. Communicate any supplemental needs that will improve students’ educational experience.

  6. Follow ACEA guidelines and expectations provided in ACEA Student Handbook.

Parent Feedback